Smoked Haddock Risotto

Yes, more smoked haddock! But it’s very good, and it’s a no-fuss recipe, so give it a try. You will need:-
1 leek, thinly sliced
750ml stock
375g smoked haddock, cut into bite-size chunks
100g baby spinach leaves
250g risotto rice
Olive oil, for frying
Black pepper, for seasoning
An ovenproof pot with a lid

  • First, heat your oven to Gas Mark 6 or equivalent
  • Gently fry the leek in the olive oil for 4 or 5 minutes until it is tender
  • Add the rice and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes, making sure it all gets thoroughly coated in the oil
  • Add the stock and bring the mixture to the boil
  • Let it simmer for 5 minutes then place the chunks of fish on top
  • Cover the pot and bake the risotto in the oven for 20 minutes
  • Check that the rice is tender then stir in the spinach and season with black pepper
  • Put the lid back on the pot and return it to the oven for 3 minutes to allow the spinach to soften
  • Make sure everyone’s at the table ready to eat – it doesn’t like to be kept waiting